Sunday, October 21, 2007

Week 7 WIKIS

I actually came in on Sunday to work on this section. wha wah.

The most startling sentence I found was: wikis are not a crafted site for casual visitors. I can see this now, but initially I thought that was the allure of instant answer to a quick question ala Wickipedia.

Now that I've seen more examples and uses, I can appreciate the uses of wiking (have I made up a new word?)

I'd still be sceptical of endorsing factual information gleaned from a wiki source, but for book reviews, subject guides, community resource recommendations, and more, the application makes sense!

Many of the sites recommended for sampling I found to be scattered in approach or just redundant ( Sorry, Bull Run Library) The Booklover's Wiki from Princeton has 2 listings for romance or horror books & only 57 listings overall. That isnt worth the time to link to at this point!

However, I marked Library 2.0 in 15 minutes a day. I hope this will a site to keep up with new terminology in the future when I've finished 23 Things!

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